



The terms and conditions in these Additional Terms for Fractional Shares Trading (the “Additional Terms for Fractional Shares Trading”), together with the Client Service Agreement (as may be amended, varied or supplement from time to time) (the “Agreement”), govern the provision of services by Tiger Brokers (NZ) Limited (“TBNZ”) to you in relation to the execution of Transactions in fractional shares (the “Fractional Shares Trading Services”).

本《碎股交易附加条款》中的条款和条件(下称“《碎股交易附加条款》”),连同《客户服务协议》(及其可能不时作出的修订、修改或补充)(下称《协议》),共同约束 Tiger Brokers (NZ) Limited (下称TBNZ)就执行碎股交易向您提供的服务(下称碎股交易服务)。

The Fractional Shares Trading Services is a Service provided by TBNZ to you under the Agreement. These Additional Terms for Fractional Shares Trading shall form part of the Agreement. All capitalised terms which are not defined in these Additional Terms for Fractional Shares Trading shall have the same meaning as in the Agreement. In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between the terms of the Agreement (on the one hand) and the provisions of these Additional Terms for Fractional Shares Trading (on the other hand), the provisions of these Additional Terms for Fractional Shares Trading shall prevail to the extent of such conflict or inconsistency.

碎股交易服务是由 TBNZ根据《协议》向您提供的服务。本《碎股交易附加条款》应构成《协议》的一部分。所有未在本《碎股交易附加条款》中定义的专门术语应与《协议》中定义的含义相同。如果《协议》中的条款与本《碎股交易附加条款》中的条款存在任何矛盾或不一致,则应以本《碎股交易附加条款》中的条款为准。

By opening or keeping one or multiple accounts in your name under TBNZ, you are indicating agreement to be bound by all the terms and conditions in these Additional Terms for Fractional Shares Trading.

您在 TBNZ以您的名义开立或拥有一个或多个账户,即表明您同意遵守本《碎股交易附加条款》中的所有条款和条件。

1.          Scope of the Fractional Shares Trading Services


1.1       TBNZ may, in respect of certain shares in certain markets, at its discretion accept and execute Orders for Transactions to buy or sell a fraction of such shares. The shares for which TBNZ will provide the Fractional Shares Trading Services will be determined by TBNZ at its discretion.

对于某些市场上的某些股票, TBNZ可酌情决定接受并执行买卖该类股票的碎股的交易订单。TBNZ支持碎股交易服务的股票将由 TBNZ酌情决定。

2.         Execution of Orders for Fractional Shares


2.1       Although the shares for which TBNZ will provide the Fractional Shares Trading Services may be listed or primarily traded on a particular exchange or marketplace, TBNZ may not route such an Order for fractional shares for execution on the exchange or marketplace where the shares are listed or primarily traded. Instead, TBNZ may place the Order with an Executing Broker who may arrange for execution of the Order in another marketplace or in an over-the-counter transaction (and the seller or buyer of the fractional shares may be an affiliate of the Executing Broker or the Executing Broker itself).

尽管 TBNZ支持碎股交易服务的股票可能在某一特定交易所或市场上市或主要交易, TBNZ可能不会将该碎股交易订单传送至该股票上市或主要交易的交易所或市场进行执行。相反, TBNZ可能向执行经纪商发出订单,执行经纪商可能安排在另一市场或场外交易中执行该订单(碎股的卖方或买方可能为执行经纪商或其关联机构)。

2.2       The prices that are displayed in respect of shares in the Electronic Trading System are for whole shares and not fractional shares. You acknowledge that the market for fractional shares is significantly less liquid than the market for whole shares, and the price at which an Order for fractional shares is executed may be materially different from the prevailing prices for the shares that are displayed on the Electronic Trading Service.


2.3       Where you place an Order for a quantity of shares that includes at least one whole share and a fractional share (for example, an Order to buy 20.5 shares), you will be deemed to have placed an Order for the whole share(s) and a separate Order for the fractional shares (in the same example, you will be deemed to have placed an Order to buy 20 whole shares and a second Order to buy half a share). You acknowledge that the two Orders may be executed separately (at a different time and at different prices) or one may be executed while the other is not.


2.4       The types of Orders that TBNZ will accept, and the trading hours in which such Orders may be placed or executed, in respect of fractional shares may be different from Orders in respect of whole shares.


3.         Custody of Fractional Shares


3.1       You acknowledge and agree that any fractional shares that are purchased through TBNZ will be held by us in your Account as custodian through a sub-custodian or nominee in accordance with the Agreement.

您知晓并同意,通过 TBNZ购买的任何碎股将由我们根据《协议》以托管人的身份,通过子托管人或被指定人在您的账户中保管。

4.         No Withdrawals or Transfers Permitted


4.1       You may not be able to transfer any fractional shares that are held in your Account with us to another account you hold with any other custodian or bank. In the event you decide to close your Account with TBNZ, your fractional shares will have to be sold through TBNZ.

您可能无法将您在我们账户中持有的任何碎股转让至您在任何其他托管人或银行开立的账户。如您决定关闭在 TBNZ的账户,您的碎股必须先通过 TBNZ出售。

5.         Dividends and other Rights


5.1       You will be entitled to receive dividends in relation to any fractional shares held in your Account with us.


5.2       Notwithstanding any other provisions in the Agreement, in relation to any fractional shares held in your Account with us, you may not be entitled to exercise any rights or powers (e.g. voting rights or election rights in relation to corporate actions) arising from ownership of the fractional shares, and you may not receive any notices or communications or any shareholder documentation of any nature, in relation to such fractional shares.



These Additional Terms for Fractional Shares Trading are written in both Chinese and English languages. In case of any conflict or inconsistency between the Chinese and English version, the English version shall prevail.
