1. Can Tiger accounts be financed with securities?
Margin account backed finance facility

2. What products can be traded on the Tiger Consolidated Account?
Currently available for trading are all U.S. stocks (including ETFs), options, futures and Hong Kong stocks.

3 Is there a minimum deposit requirement of $3,000 for a Tiger account?
There is no minimum deposit requirement for Tiger Omnibus accounts, so you can trade regardless of the amount you deposit.

4 What are the thresholds for intra-day trading in Tiger accounts?
There are no thresholds and no limits on the number of times.

5. Why the sell price of US stocks is lower than one transaction, but can not be traded?
Some clients may experience the situation that the ask price in the US stock market is lower than the actual transaction price, but the transaction cannot be completed, mostly due to the rules of the dealers and market makers in the US stock market.

Note: In the U.S. stock market trading system, most of the transactions are conducted through specialized dealers and market makers. They are required to announce each transaction to the public within 90 seconds after it is completed. In this sense, the information we see is delayed on all real-time market systems.

6. buying and selling units for US stock trading?
U.S. stocks are not explicitly traded in one "lot": in the U.S. stock market, stocks are bought and sold in "shares". However, in order to reduce transaction costs and the risk of open and short positions, specialized dealers and market makers will trade in lots of 100 shares, in the sense that the unwritten lot of all U.S. stocks is 100 shares, in accordance with trading practices. If an investor's order is not a multiple of 100, he or she may have to wait for a period of time for other investors to place orders at a similar price and combine them with the original subscription to a multiple closer to 100 before the specialist dealer or market maker will trade.

This is also the reason why the order-by-order record is higher than the price of the sell order, or lower than the price of the buy order, and the sell or buy order is not filled. In some cases, specialized traders and market makers will hold certain orders for a period of time, waiting for other investors to place orders at similar prices to appear. At this point, the investor may not be able to withdraw the order and will need to contact the brokerage firm and ask them to call the relevant specialist dealer or market maker to request the release of the order. In such a situation, it is important to have a brokerage firm that provides real-time service.

7. What is ADR?
ADRs are American Depositary Receipt (ADR). ADR operation requires certain costs, ADR agents (banks and investment banks) will buy the shares of these overseas companies in the overseas stock exchange market, and then sell the American Depositary Receipt of these shares in the American stock exchange market, investors can only make these overseas shares in the American stock market after obtaining the certificate. In the course of ADR agents' operations, they will charge custodian fees for foreign stock management, registration and record-keeping services, and the custodian will generally charge investors a certain fee for ADR custody. If you are charged a custody fee while holding an ADR, you will be charged the same amount regardless of whether you hold it for a week or a year, and you will face the risk of a drawdown if you do not have enough cash remaining.

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